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Up: Termodinámica del Aire Húmedo.
Previous: Exactitud de las f¢rmulas.
- 1
- Termal Physics. Edward A.Desloge. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1965
- 2
- Qu¡mica General. Emilio A. Vergara. U.N.Sa. 1970
- 3
- Thermodynamics. Vanderslice/Schamp/Mason. Prentice Hall. 1966
- 4
- Thermodynamics. Callen. John Wiley. 1963
- 5
- Thermodynamics. And Advanced Treatament for Chemists and Physicists. Guggenheim.
North Holland. 1950
- 6
- Handbook of Fundamentals. ASHRAE. 1985
- 7
- Brochure on Psycrhometry. ASHRAE. 1977
- 8
- Ing. del Ambito T‚rmico. J.L. Threlkeld. 1973
- 9
- International Critical Tables.